Wednesday, August 6, 2008


For shame, I have not posted anything in 2 days! Hope that doesn't break any blogging rules out there. Today however, I am here to describe the best 48 hours I have ever experienced (aside from the first two nights my freshmen year in college when I went camping)

Day 1: I was granted the opportunity to go to the ENK Accessories Show in the Javitts Center. No, I'm not a buyer just a college student who works three jobs and gets to work awesome events like this one. This show was by far the most massive of fashion experiences I have ever encountered. Everything from jewelry to apparel to shoes was being exhibited by these amazing lines and designers. The line that stood out the most was Sheila Elaine. The designer's name is Shelbee Teller and this woman is amazing. She had these amazing caps and head accessories that looked right off the runway, handbags to die for and vests that were out of this world. Shelbee was nice enough to let me model some stuff and it was a lot of fun.

Day 2: One of my other great jobs affords me the opportunity to work at the most popular radio station in NYC and be around some of the hottest DJ's in the world. This station not influences music and popular media but fashion as well. Many of the men and women who work here are spokespersons for popular brands influencing buying to consumers. My boss, who shall remain nameless (for now), is the DJ of all DJ's. He has his own hourly spot during the weekdays and is head of the best DJ Crew in the nation (if you haven't guessed who it is by now then you really need to get out more). So yesterday as I was at work, my Boss taught me how to set up the mixing booth. To you this may be nothing, heck to me this was nothing major, I'm not a producer or anything. But it was great to be taught the simplest of tasks by one of the most iconic DJ's alive!

I know this was a long one folks, but its been 2 days or better yet the best 48 hours...



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