Monday, August 11, 2008


Yes, I know 5 whole days! Shame, shame. I hope this weekend has treated you all well. This morning as the sky broke in half and spilled marble sized hail onto the gum covered side walks of New York I thought about several things. 1) This weather is psycho. 2) I don't think ANY ONE needs more proof that Global Warming is happening. 3) How much does the weather affect your mood and more importantly your gear for the day?. Even if you work on Wall Street, you have options. You can wear the bright blue tie rather than the gray (grey). Ladies can opt for the skirt suit rather than the pant suit. I could go for jeans rather than cargo shorts. The point is there are always options.

I want to kn0w how much influence the weather has on your choices. Not just global warming, but everyday weather forecasts. Like if Mr. G says its gonna rain but you see clear skies out your window, do you still opt for the rain boots, or do you still go ahead and rock your old navy flip flops? Personally, I'm 50/50. If the weather seem gloomy in August I may opt for a pair of heather gray shorts and black tank with silver flip flops. If the weather seems gloomy in November I will probably go for a dark denim wash with mustard ankle boots, plaid jacket and red scarf/hat/glove set.

To me if the fabric is light, then its ok to go dark with color themes. If the fabric is heavy, I like to opt for a lighter color theme. Mood most definitely affects all of these things as well. Excited=Red; Pissed=Purple; Happy=Teal/Pink; Sad=Navy blue/gray. And even that alters haha.

I hope that whatever your mood or geographic weather patterns, your apparel for the day can best express your individuality, style, and soul.



New York, New York

"There are roughly 3 New York's. There is, first, the New York of the men and women who were born there, who take the city for granted and accepts its size, its turbulence as natural and inevitable. Second there is the New York of the commuter, the city that is delivered by locusts each day and spat out each night. Third, there is the New York of the person who was born somewhere else, and came to New York in quest of something... commuters give the city its tidal restlestness, natives give it solidity and continuity but the settler give it passion"

This is about the 3rd or 4th time I've read this piece. The 1st time I read it, I couldn't believe how true it was. Being from New York I can say I have and still do at times take it for granted. I cannot really connect to the commuter except to say that native or not we are all locusts to the city. As for the settler well in essence native New Yorkers are settlers. We have settled for the noise, crime, pollution, tourism, beauty, parades, melting pots etc. Why are we still here? Because we all are praying locustsss who take the city for granted yet are in quest of something within the city that has everything. So to my native wearing yankee fitted new yorkers, my business suit wearing commuters and my 'I love New York' tee rocking tourists, keep coming. With out you, there is no New York.



Wednesday, August 6, 2008


For shame, I have not posted anything in 2 days! Hope that doesn't break any blogging rules out there. Today however, I am here to describe the best 48 hours I have ever experienced (aside from the first two nights my freshmen year in college when I went camping)

Day 1: I was granted the opportunity to go to the ENK Accessories Show in the Javitts Center. No, I'm not a buyer just a college student who works three jobs and gets to work awesome events like this one. This show was by far the most massive of fashion experiences I have ever encountered. Everything from jewelry to apparel to shoes was being exhibited by these amazing lines and designers. The line that stood out the most was Sheila Elaine. The designer's name is Shelbee Teller and this woman is amazing. She had these amazing caps and head accessories that looked right off the runway, handbags to die for and vests that were out of this world. Shelbee was nice enough to let me model some stuff and it was a lot of fun.

Day 2: One of my other great jobs affords me the opportunity to work at the most popular radio station in NYC and be around some of the hottest DJ's in the world. This station not influences music and popular media but fashion as well. Many of the men and women who work here are spokespersons for popular brands influencing buying to consumers. My boss, who shall remain nameless (for now), is the DJ of all DJ's. He has his own hourly spot during the weekdays and is head of the best DJ Crew in the nation (if you haven't guessed who it is by now then you really need to get out more). So yesterday as I was at work, my Boss taught me how to set up the mixing booth. To you this may be nothing, heck to me this was nothing major, I'm not a producer or anything. But it was great to be taught the simplest of tasks by one of the most iconic DJ's alive!

I know this was a long one folks, but its been 2 days or better yet the best 48 hours...



Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Monday

As I got on the 2 train, which actually turned into the 5 train, this morning in Brooklyn I began to ponder: 1) What am I going to eat for breakfast? 2) Why is it that people walk so slow in New York?! One of the biggest pet peeves that I have is people who walk slow/in the middle of the sidewalk. Left or right, pick a side please!!!

For many New York is a vacation (and place where you can proudly wear an I <3 NY shirt, even though that trend is about 3 months old) but for it's natives, this is home or work and we need to get to it.

I also found, as I walk down 8th Avenue, that people will pick the busiest streets at the busiest times to go for a run. Another fact is that people will invest hundreds of dollars for silly garments that are made just for running or jogging or yoga.. whatever, just so they can be "motivated" for exercise. Whatever happened to sweatpants?

Anywho... this man was doing his morning run, which is great, but right in the middle of 8th Avenue. If the herd of people slowed down, so did he still jogging in place until a red light allowed him to sprint across the street only to be slowed by the masses again. As a big part of me got aggravated, another part of me couldn't help but laugh. Only in New York.... Happy Monday people :)



Sunday, August 3, 2008

You have reached: FASHION RUFOUS

Hello world! Welcome to Fashion Rufous! Consider this a place to view the world through the eyes of a New Yorker, Student, Daughter, Worker, Writer, Artist, Lover, and Fashion obsessed Queen. By no means is this a review of all the major fashion shows, red carpet events or celebrity trends. This is more a tell all spot of anything related to my current geographic location and its relationship to fashion. Yes, I believe almost ANYTHING can relate to fashion. As time goes on we shall see what connections we can make. Feel free to leave ideas on your connections to the fashion world. No, not the number to your best-friends, sisters, cousin's co-workers uncle who is a buyer at Nordstroms. I was thinking more along the lines of the piece of lime green gum you stepped on this morning while on your way to work and how it reminded you of that fish net tube top you wore last summer to Brittany's bbq. What were you thinking?! See, relationships and connections like that. I hope you all find something in reading this technological interpretation of the thoughts that roam my brain. IF nothing else, may you find a memory that takes you to a place where there are no train delays, crackberry messages, and 50% sales are the norm in your favorite store.

