Thursday, September 10, 2009

NYC Fashion Week Day 1


Why can't I find ONE quality video of any of the shows that took place today?! Ugh! Can the Fashion Gods have mercy on me and send me some content I can view, observe & comment on? Well as I continue to search for goodies, let me give you tomorrows schedule:

Friday 9/11/09

9am- Cynthia Steffe/ Location- Salon
11am- Yigal Azrouel/ Location- Promenade
12pm- Twinkle by Wehlah/ Location- Salon
2pm- Charolette Ronson/ Location- Promenade
3pm- Monarchy Collection/ Location- Tent
4pm-6pm- Leifsdottir/ Location- 209 W. 38th Street 7th Floor
6pm- Nicole Miller/ Location- Salon
7pm- Arise African Promise Collective/ Location- Promenade
8pm- Erin Wasson X RVCA/ Location- Tent
9pm- Venexiana/ Location- Salon

All those people @ the shows PLEASE send me pics. I'm dying to see them :)


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